Dr. Rodgers: I was interested in your suggestion that Parkinson’s is not caused by a lack of dopamine but due to adrenaline, toxic and stress problems. Can I stop taking Sinemet to Pursue Natural Therapies? 

First let me emphasize I am not a medical doctor. You will need to consult with your medical doctor about any changes in your medications or doses.

The issue I raise is to explore the reasons for a dopamine depletion. If caused primarily by anxiety, then getting anxiety attacks under control will go a long way toward reducing the need for a medication or dopamine supplement.

You do not mention if you have celebrated any improvement after taking Sinemet. The most common reports of improvement are a reductions in anxiety and muscle pain,  improvements in sleep and better energy. Have you experienced any of these welcome outcomes from taking the medications? They certainly do offer benefits to many.

You ask:  Can I Stop Taking Sinemet to Pursue Natural Therapies? There can be serious consequences if you stop taking your medications abruptly. The addictive properties to some medications for Parkinson’s make it particularly difficult – and even dangerous – to stop taking them cold turkey.

I have heard sad reports from people who tried to go off of their medications cold turkey. These reports say that people have found themselves in the unfortunate situation of having to go back on their medications at an even higher dose – sometimes twice as high – when compared to the dose they were taking the day they tried to quit.

The decision to wean yourself off of your medications is a serious one. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you consider doing something like this. Some people are able to successfully reduce the dose they take. In these cases the reduction is gradual and, again, conducted only with the close supervision of their doctor.

In addition to working with your doctor about medications and supplements, begin investigating the cause of your symptoms. There are many possible causes (toxins, trauma, stress, infections to name a few). Many people celebrate relief from symptoms while identifying and addressing the cause (or causes). The two together can be a winning combination especially when the medications offer symptom relief even if temporary.

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

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