Our deepest fear about recovery is,

What happens to my life after recovery? How would I be? Will I be able to work again? Would people think I was faking it?

It was extremely freeing for me to refocus and stay on track after I read about the train story. The train story addressed the what ifs that I needed to throw off the train in order to help the train climb the last few inches over to mountain top.

I had an incredible next 3 days in a row of next to zero freezing. It was so incredible it was scary. I was in this relaxed zone that I can’t describe. I felt happiness.

I’m thinking to myself, that simply changing my thinking as a result of a train story, can have that much power? Thank you for the train story Robert.


The train story Monica refers to is found in Five Steps to Recovery. As she so eloquently expresses, the real block to recovery is our deepest fear about what we will become, not the fear over what we have become.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we areour deepest fear about recovery powerful beyond measure. It is out light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Marianne Williamson

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery